This was a surprisingly rich week for fun and intriguing articles, with a little something for everyone. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did! 😸📈☕

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How can organizations get the most out of their cloud native investments without wasting big bucks? In this buyer’s guide, we explore 4 key capabilities to consider when choosing an observability solution, such as taming data growth, controlling costs, and boosting availability. Download now!

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Observability & Monitoring Community Slack

Come hang out with all your fellow Monitoring Weekly readers. I mean, I’m also there, but I’m sure everyone else is way cooler.

From The Community

OpenTelemetry Operator: Decreasing Your Otel Adoption Time

OpenTelemetry automatic instrumentation is an excellent way to quickly get telemetry out of your applications (if your language is supported). This guide will have you up and running in no time with the OpenTelemetry Operator.

Building a highly-scalable Synthetic Monitoring Solution

Synthetic monitoring isn’t something we typically cover here, but it’s a timely topic for me personally and this post from Maersk engineers does a good job explaining their needs and how they came to design their own custom approach.

Distributed Tracing Best Practices for 2023

This is an excellent summary of tips and best practices for modern distributed tracing use. Highly recommended even if you think you already know the topic well.

Curbing Connection Churn in Zuul

This is more of a systems engineering post, but omg if you love time series data and system design, this is an fun read.

BPFAgent: eBPF for Monitoring at DoorDash

A detailed look at how DoorDash engineers have iterated on their eBPF agent and probes and where this has paid off in terms of debugging, observability, and for validating system migrations.

Building Serverless Applications with AWS – Observability

The concluding post from a longer series on serverless applications in AWS. This one looks specifically at some recommended observability tools for the sake of debugging and troubleshooting your Lambdas.

How to learn from incidents and propel your engineering career?

A nice reminder that incident reviews are a valuable learning opportunity for everyone involved. Good to share this one with junior engineers on your team.

The Statement for SkyWalking users on HashiCorp license changes

I’m not going to get into the HashiCorp license drama, but if you’re a SkyWalking user or admin you might want to review their statement on the change and how it affects them (and by extension, you).


Grafana Infinity Datasource

Visualize data from JSON, CSV, XML, GraphQL and HTML endpoints in Grafana.

See you next week!

– Jason (@obfuscurity) Monitoring Weekly Editor