I was in a time crunch this week along with a trip out of town, so I hope you don’t mind this week’s summaries being a bit more brief than usual. I promise to revert back to my usual wordy self next week. 😉💟🌉

Articles & News on monitoring.love

Observability & Monitoring Community Slack

Come hang out with all your fellow Monitoring Weekly readers. I mean, I’m also there, but I’m sure everyone else is way cooler.

From The Community

Streamlining Long-Term Storage Query Performance for Metrics With Thanos

A look at how Thanos manages long-term storage and how to optimize your queries accordingly.

How We Solved the Logstash Compute Problem with the “DBeast Monitor”

Debugging Logstash with the DBeast monitoring toolkit, along with a demo playground.

Human-Friendly Observability with Generative AI

Can we all agree this is Machine Learning and not the less specific AI (much less generative)? Aside from that, a decent read on the space.

Scaling Prometheus with Cortex

Been a while since I’ve seen any Cortex articles. This is an updated post with comparisons to Thanos and Grafana’s Mimir.

The basics of observing Kubernetes: A bird-watcher’s perspective

The bird analogy is weak, but it’s still a pretty thorough breakdown of Kuberentes components and considerations for monitoring them.

Streamlining and Implementing Incident Management at Dyninno

A follow-up article from Dyninno with more details on their Incident Management processes and culture.

Seamless Transition: Migrating Kafka Cluster to Kubernetes

Included this one because so many of us run Kafka for observability systems.

Grafana security release for CVE-2023-6152

Grafana Labs has released a new version of Grafana to address a medium severity CVE. You’ll want to upgrade if you’re using Grafana with email verification and basic authentication enabled.



This platform provides a powerful UI for monitoring, analyzing, and optimizing of your Elastic Stack components - Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana.


Monitorama PDX 2024 - $100 off General Admission

Early Bird tickets are gone, but Monitoring Weekly readers can still save $100 off General Admission tickets with the MWEEKLY2024 discount code. This year’s agenda is shaping up to be a banger, don’t miss out!

See you next week!

– Jason (@obfuscurity) Monitoring Weekly Editor