Eclectic collection of posts and data engineering articles this week. Enjoy! 💻🧠✨

Articles & News on

Observability & Monitoring Community Slack

Come hang out with all your fellow Monitoring Weekly readers. I mean, I’m also there, but I’m sure everyone else is way cooler.

From The Community

Event Collector: Your first Rust Application

I love this example for writing your own event collector. It’s less of a practical application than a learning opportunity for coding in Rust, but what a fun way to hone your skills.

CLP on JSON: High Compression and Fast Search on Dynamically-Structured Logs

An impressively deep dive on CLP-JSON, an extension to the Compressed Log Processor (CLP) with support for lossless compression of dynamically structured (JSON) logs.

Web Performance Regression Detection (Part 1 of 3)

The first post in a series detailing Pinterest’s performance program, focusing on regression detection using custom metrics like Pinner Wait Time. Looking forward to the rest of the story. 😸

Scaling the Grafana Observability Stack

This one reads less like a guide and more like a collection of notes from a successful migration to the LGTM stack, but it’s still a good jumping-off point for anyone considering this route.

Deconstructing Retina

Somehow I completely missed the announcement from Microsoft open sourcing the Retina project. This post offers a super quick look at the project and where to find more details.

Distributed Tracing for Distributed System: Save Your Time & Company

Overview of some introductory concepts in distributed tracing. Probably a useful primer for any team first starting their discovery into whether tracing is a good fit for their work.

Data source security in Grafana: Best practices and what to avoid

Grafana Labs’ public response to some confusion around the security permissions associated with data sources and users.

How Women Lead Data Engineering at Slack

While I enjoyed this profile of women engineers at Slack, it was also insightful in learning how Slack thinks about and designs for data engineering in each of these roles.



eBPF distributed networking observability tool for Kubernetes


Monitorama PDX 2024 - Coming Soon!

Monitorama organizers released the upcoming speakers list and agenda for this year’s upcoming PDX 2024. Exciting to see so many unique topics, I can feel the FOMO rising already. 😅

Monitoring Weekly readers can save $100 off General Admission tickets with the MWEEKLY2024 discount code. Hope to see you there!

Job Opportunities

Senior Site Reliability Engineer II at Axon (US Remote)

See you next week!

– Jason (@obfuscurity) Monitoring Weekly Editor